Thursday, September 25, 2008

Questions, Comments and Discussion Alert! Oh My!

Ok! Let’s kick of the Free For All! Come on in – the water is fine!

Question about Snowball’s Attack: When I read about how they were all so sure that Snowball had returned during the giant storm to knock down the windmill….part of me (and maybe it’s the post “Bin Laden did it! Err…but Sadam is who we will executed!” part of me) Felt like the STORM did it…But then later in the book, they talk about other Animals admitting that they had seen him the night the Windmill first came down…I still felt like this is propaganda. Being afraid of a storm, which an individual has no control over what so ever, is hardly as powerful of feeding the fear of a sole enemy that can be stopped at some point. Now, if I’m just being stubborn, let me know – but do you guys think really happened here?

Question about The Return of Moses: I felt like I was missing the “bigger message” of his return to the farm to tell the Tales of Sugar Candy Mountain. Part of me thinks that before the revolution the tales of the “Promised Land” were silly, and the revolution a reality. But when the revolution turned to a worse situation for the majority of the animals, why would the Party in Power allow these tales to be told then? I feel like I’m missing something…even if it’s obvious or small…help?

Question about Molly’s Draft Card Burning of sorts: First, I thought that Molly was kind of a punk when she left the revolution for the life of ribbons and sugar cubes….which I still maintain is superficial! But in the end, she knew we wasn’t going to fight in the battle – whether is was won or lost…she didn’t agree with it. She made her choice. One that I might not agree with, but she made it and walked away. For me its one of those “I judge her…but I get it…” kind of things – what do you think?

Comment about ‘Ol Drunky – Remember when they thought Napoleon was dying? When really he was just hung over…but they changed the law, made more liquor and started it all over again? I think the reason I brought this up - is the line of creditability that happens, and how powerful the forbidden is to even those who have made it thus. I think this is one of the best examples of hypocritical and tainted power in the book.

Discussion Alert!
Do you think any of the Animal’s in Animal Farm deserve the readers sympathy?


Dissident said...

Snowball's Attack:
I caught on to that as well. It came across as propaganda.

Return of Moses:
I read that Moses represents
The Russian Orthodox Church. He tells the animals of a place that animals go when they die (Sugar Candy Mountain a.k.a heaven). Once Napoleon is leader he bans Moses. He reappears towards the end of the book to motivate.

Molly’s Draft Card Burning of sorts:
Molly represents the rich/upper class. After the Russian Revolution the upper class went west. Since she represents upper class, it would make sense that she/they would run off instead of fighting. Just look at the recent Iraq war. You don't see many rich people over there on the battleground fighting. They're in their comfortable chairs sitting back and profiting from the oil/weapon contracts etc.

I am sympathetic towards some of the animals that were caught in the middle of this. Such as the puppies and sheeps which were manipulated by Napoleon.

Melissa Finley said...

YES! Thank you!

I didn't even think about Moses coming back as the return of a Church presence.

Molly - I def agree with the Wealthy watching the poor fight their war - but I also think the wealthy (in the Iraq case) KNOW they are watching the pawns in the hustle vs. Molly is more "simple" and "spoiled" and doesn't want to get her hands dirty or even understand why she should- but you are right. I think they are steming from the same starting point!